First, just let me say, I believe in and love the Bible. But a lot of people don’t. You might not. The Bible is true because the Bible is true is not a very good argument, but that’s mostly what non-believers hear. So what if, just hypothetically, it were proven that some parts of the Bible weren’t true? Would that really change anything for a Jesus follower?
The Bible Doesn’t Have To Be True
Even though I believe it is.
Feb 23, 2024

Hippie Preacher Podcast
Explore Jesus and modern life without having to check your brain at the door. Expect the unexpected, not the status quo, from the perspectives of Aubrey Robertson - Jesus follower, husband, father, technology geek, and Hippie Preacher.
Explore Jesus and modern life without having to check your brain at the door. Expect the unexpected, not the status quo, from the perspectives of Aubrey Robertson - Jesus follower, husband, father, technology geek, and Hippie Preacher.Listen on
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